The Burnout Epidemic and Self-Care Strategies for Nonprofit Leaders

McCaw Hall September 18, 2024 2:40 pm - 3:40 pm

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Cathleen Clerkin
Sara Ellis Conant
Theo Ellington
Jarrett Ransom

Burnout can impact retention rates, morale, and productivity. According to a recent study by Stanford Social Innovation Review, approximately 50% of nonprofit employees experience high levels of burnout, highlighting the urgent need for effective intervention strategies.

Join moderator Sara Ellis Conant, co-Founder of a)plan Coaching, for this much anticipated session, featuring Cathleen Clerkin, associate vice president of research at Candid, Jarrett Ransom, president and CEO of The Rayvan Group and Theo Ellington, a longtime activist and founder of Black Citizen. The panel will provide strategic and concrete recommendations for leadership self-care and alleviating toxic workplace burnout among teams.