In-Person Only Breakout Session: The Ethics of Workplace AI

Fisher Conference Center September 18, 2024 11:45 am - 12:45 pm

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Beth Kanter

Research shows that AI is driving real gains in productivity for the social sector, alleviating cognitive overload and freeing up time for important and strategic tasks.  However, there are some limitations that leaders and staff need to understand as they continue to adopt more tools.

Join Beth Kanter, founder of Beth Kanter Consulting, and co-author of “The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World,” who will provide expert guidance on how to craft an acceptable use policy and protocols for continued training as artificial intelligence technology evolves.  Drawing on real-world examples, Kanter will delve into how AI can be harnessed to address societal challenges while prioritizing values such as empathy, morality, and inclusivity. Through insightful analyses and practical strategies, the session will advocate for a collaborative approach that empowers individuals and communities in the age of AI advancement.