How to Recruit and Retain a New Generation of Nonprofit Leaders

McCaw Hall September 17, 2024 11:20 am - 12:30 pm

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Joan Garry

Having a plan for mentoring talented team members into key leadership roles is more important than ever given the looming leadership deficit, with studies indicating that 75% of current nonprofit leaders plan to leave their positions within the next five to ten years while only 30% of these organizations say that have a strategy in place to address transitions. The generational gap adds another layer of complexity, as emerging leaders seek different organizational cultures and leadership styles compared to their predecessors.

In a special presentation prepared specifically for this 2024 NMI event, respected strategist and thought leader Joan Garry, principal of Joan Garry Consulting, shares a roadmap of comprehensive strategies for cultivating committed future leaders including enhanced support for professional growth, competitive compensation, and deliberate efforts to foster diversity and inclusion in leadership roles.